- on good place to learn how to code? in code monkeys
- on elody's photo
- on Facebook's React library in code monkeys
- on Facebook's React library in code monkeys
- on Internship advice in code monkeys
- on Web Series in Television
I've cancelled.
Nice new SG :)
computer problems.
BIOS Battery nearly died. Computer was acting like it had the flu. I didn't have my computer for 6 days.
Day 1: Crashed During game went to bed
Day 2: Couldn't figure out why computer wasn't booting
Day 3: Figured it out didn't know they were all the same. Got home too late
Day 4: Got home late. Not time to get battery...
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BIOS Battery nearly died. Computer was acting like it had the flu. I didn't have my computer for 6 days.
Day 1: Crashed During game went to bed
Day 2: Couldn't figure out why computer wasn't booting
Day 3: Figured it out didn't know they were all the same. Got home too late
Day 4: Got home late. Not time to get battery...
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I shave with a muther fucking chainsaw
I know I haven't written in a while but I've been dealing with my shit in my head. It hasn't needed to bleed out everywhere.
You ever do something you know is stupid?
I beat myself up over little shit.
I'm doing that right now. I really hate myself sometimes. I'm not a person who is control of their feelings. I'm in control of my...
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You ever do something you know is stupid?
I beat myself up over little shit.
I'm doing that right now. I really hate myself sometimes. I'm not a person who is control of their feelings. I'm in control of my...
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That's me most of the time, but with the passing years I'm better at controlling it although I still feel I need much more to be comtempt with life 
Next step ashram in India

Next step ashram in India

yes, i know how that feels. and i think about it, even weeks later, and blush from embarrassment. everyone does it though
I have/had the flu from hell
There's a horrible thing going round where I live called the Norovirus and its awful, I had it 

Awww...sorry...get better soon.
I fucking love clementines.
If you come home to your empty apartment and the first thing you say is "Welcome home motherfucker"
Is that a good thing or a bad thing... either way... feet up, fires made and anime in the dvd player.... time to fall asleep watching tv.
Is that a good thing or a bad thing... either way... feet up, fires made and anime in the dvd player.... time to fall asleep watching tv.
I don't know if it's good or bad... but it made me giggle 

If I see one more McKayla Maroney meme I'm going to die..... OF JOY!!!!
Efff, I got too much on my mind. I can't write because I can't stop and think of one thing.
What a week. I haven't blogged in a dogs age.
I'm not sure if being soo busy makes me happy or crazy... or I'm happy when I'm crazy.
Maybe after this hell week I'm going to take a vacation.
I'm not sure if being soo busy makes me happy or crazy... or I'm happy when I'm crazy.
Maybe after this hell week I'm going to take a vacation.
FUCK YA. Things looking are looking good for that J-O-B!