so my last blog i was in love.
then i got scared and threw my walls up. i pushed him away and told him that we were too different for it to work. it would hurt less to end it now than to wait til later and it end then.
and then i woke up this morning and realized i fucked up the best thing that ever happened to me.
and it's too late to fix it.
then i got scared and threw my walls up. i pushed him away and told him that we were too different for it to work. it would hurt less to end it now than to wait til later and it end then.
and then i woke up this morning and realized i fucked up the best thing that ever happened to me.
and it's too late to fix it.

oh baby, that's terrible. I'm so sorry
I hate that feeling! Ifucking hate even more being scared of LOVE nad HAPPINESS. That still bugs me. I've been almost in a year with my bf, and i keep fucking it all up from time to time because of that.
U tried anything? is it really late?