Things are slowly coming together for my move to Curacao. I'm excited to get down there, especially since it's freezing and snowy where I am now. If I never see another snowflake again for the rest of my life I'd be very happy.
Also, my new book "The Plague" is for sale and doing well. Better than my two other romance novels so far.
Please check out the website and buy a book! I know I'm a dude and showing a picture of my boobs would do NOTHING for my cause but help a fellow artist out. It's a good read and relatively cheap.
I will post pics of my new house and the new country once I get settled.
OH...I am working out an outline for a new story. A new Christmas story. That's all you get until I am done the draft. I don't want any of you fuckers stealing my idea. :P *Note - I meant the affectionate use of fuckers. :D