My house was broken into, they broke a window and did a smash and grab...they didnt get a lot BUT I realized tonight that they stole my briefcase full of toys. I did a quick list of things that were in it and it totalled about $ I get to go sex toy shopping.
They also stole 2 replica Rolexs...I would LOVE to see their face when they crack open the briefcase and then try to pawn the watches...thatll learn them.
also, from last blog...I would still like feedback for a new book idea...
A couple, late 20s, early 30s get married young. Starts off hot and passionate, love persists but sex wains off. She says shes getting frustrated and thinking of leaving him. He says he knows she wants something more physically, suggests an open marriage. She hesitantly agrees, both meet people. Over time they suggest a 4some, turns out the people they are seeing are married to each other but they didnt know about the others affair.
They all split it off but her husband confessed he loved seeing her with another man, eventually starts spying on her and her men, fixes her up etc but eventually the woman (Caitlyn?) finds another man, her husband doesnt find anyone else, starts to get jealous, follows her, eventually confronts her one night. Ends horrifically.
I could assume that since no one really said anything it may not be a good idea but even saying that would help.

also, from last blog...I would still like feedback for a new book idea...
A couple, late 20s, early 30s get married young. Starts off hot and passionate, love persists but sex wains off. She says shes getting frustrated and thinking of leaving him. He says he knows she wants something more physically, suggests an open marriage. She hesitantly agrees, both meet people. Over time they suggest a 4some, turns out the people they are seeing are married to each other but they didnt know about the others affair.
They all split it off but her husband confessed he loved seeing her with another man, eventually starts spying on her and her men, fixes her up etc but eventually the woman (Caitlyn?) finds another man, her husband doesnt find anyone else, starts to get jealous, follows her, eventually confronts her one night. Ends horrifically.
I could assume that since no one really said anything it may not be a good idea but even saying that would help.

Not a whole lot. You?