Wednesday Oct 15, 2003 Oct 15, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email Red Sox won. Nick held my hand. I didn't finish my work. I need a mental break from school. It's really killing me. oninotaki: God Damn red sox cant believe they won, it just seems like nobody in soccer can stop their crazy winning streak. Did Nick hold your hand cause he too is scared by this obscene string of red sox victorys I can understand why you didnt finish your work, work just seems so unimportant when such apocolyptic events are going on. I got nothing to go on your school comment though, sorry. Oct 15, 2003
Did Nick hold your hand cause he too is scared by this obscene string of red sox victorys
I can understand why you didnt finish your work, work just seems so unimportant when such apocolyptic events are going on.
I got nothing to go on your school comment though, sorry.