so i am sitting here in the student center at my college that i am attending and i am freezing my ass off because for some reason they are still pumping a.c like it is freaking summer time up in this bitch. i guess i am just blogging because i needed to vent a little. i am feeling so stressed out and tired. i feel loike i have thrown my social life out of the window and traded it in for constant homework, studying, occassional eating, and sleep when i can get it. i amj trying to bust my ass so i can get my GPA up high enough to transfer to an awesome four year university and get the hell out of this small ass town that i was doomed to grow up in when my parents decided to move here. i feel like i wastede so many years when i first graduated just partying and watching my grades down down the drain but now as i am almost 24 i reallize it is time to nut up or shut up (i loved zombieland by the way) and start working on my future and make something of myself in some way or another. i am getting ready to go into chemistry class which sucks ass because i am no good at it. who would have thought you would need chemistry for forensics lol but anywhat i am just going to hang in there do my best eat and sleep when i can and come on here when i can and blow off some steam lol if you are one of those people that have been sending me messages and giving me encouragement i just want to take the time to thank you and let you know that your kind words and cheering me on really do help thanks again
school does suck i quit after 2 years and joined the army...I'm gonna go back...but i felt like i needed to let off some steam and grow up a bit....and now i want to be a proffesional BASE jumper...i think that'd be awesome! Chemistry is shitty....
Hang in there, when I was finally done it felt so good! Trust me hang in there sexy!