so it has been a while since i have left a blog so i figured i would do one. so i am sitting here on my bed with my baby kitty named baby tubs and we are just sitting here watching ghostbusters which is total epicness. me and the cat are eating our favorite snack which is sour cream and onion baked lays hmmmmmm yummyness. i have been busy these past weeks with school work and trying to keep my GPA up so i can transfer to a well known 4 year university to finish up and get my degree. i am staying home on this should be busy friday night because i have no where to go and no one to go with because i have experienced an age old tradition that us girls like to call getting dumped. i have been talking to this guy and i thought things were going great he had introduced me to his daughter and family and friends as well a coworkers at the tattoo shop that he works at. he took me out as well as wanted to spend time with me at his place everything seemed to be going great and i thought that we were good together i mean we had never gotten into an arguement but out of the blue he just stopped talking to me andnow doesnt want anything to do with me. i am so confused and i keep thinking to myself what the hell did i do? why did he all of a sudden stop talking to me? and is there something that i could have done differently to keep this from happening? i just hate being dumped so badly it almost makes you not want to date ever again for fear of the same shit happening over and over. i dont know about the future but for now i am just going to enjoy ghostbusters and sour cream and onion baked lays with my sweet beloved baby tubs. this is how we rock
i love all ur tattoo work!
ever one gets dumped...he's just a jackass for doing it to you...