Fucking Sudan and Genocide. I wish I didn't put this paper off for as long as I did. So much research in such a little time and now I'm feeling all stressed again.
So now I'm gonna break out, probably smoke some pot and lose track of what I'm doing and look at nekkid girls on this website all night long, not sleep long enough, miss my classes and then go to work and not have the paper done. My life fucking sucks right now, I wish school wasn't important because to me these grades don't mean shit, but to my future it does. So do I work hard now so I can relax later or do I relax now and work hard later?
That's the question I'm trying to answer, as well as How international law can solve the Darfur Genocide.
And on top of that, I broke up with the girl because she never really seemed to love me and when I tried to bring us together, she just would separate herself from me. Fuck...
Good News is that I just got the Kaiser Chiefs album, and they're really good.
So now I'm gonna break out, probably smoke some pot and lose track of what I'm doing and look at nekkid girls on this website all night long, not sleep long enough, miss my classes and then go to work and not have the paper done. My life fucking sucks right now, I wish school wasn't important because to me these grades don't mean shit, but to my future it does. So do I work hard now so I can relax later or do I relax now and work hard later?
That's the question I'm trying to answer, as well as How international law can solve the Darfur Genocide.
And on top of that, I broke up with the girl because she never really seemed to love me and when I tried to bring us together, she just would separate herself from me. Fuck...
Good News is that I just got the Kaiser Chiefs album, and they're really good.
Are you the one in the picture with the Jesus action figure in DRUNKS?
Hahaha I did