We left the South Bay around 10 am Wednesday morning. We were heading up to Washington for three days plus two days of drive time. Thursday and half of Friday we'd be with Naima's mom and dad in Mossyrock, WA, the other half of Friday and Saturday we'd be in Seattle with Naima's two friends. Naima is serving as the officiant in their wedding, which is in August, but she wanted to get together with them beforehand.
It's a-me, a-drivin'.
Naima in the passenger seat, lookin' splendid.
For the record, I want it to be known that she took this picture, not me.
Us, with Mt. Ranier in the distance.
Me carving into a rock.
Me on the same rock. What isn't pictured here is me falling off the rock minutes later.
Yes, I'm doing what it looks like I'm doing here. I love to tinkle outdoors. I don't know why Naima chose to photograph it, though.
Clouds draped over the crater at Mt. St. Helens.
A couple biking nude in the Solstice Parade through Seattle's Fremont neighborhood. The Solstice Parade is a loosely-themed parade that kicks off the Fremont Fair each year. And it attracts a shit-ton of naked folks on bikes.
So there are all these naked folks on bikes, right? And then I see this guy, who obviously came to the parade, saw all the naked people riding around and said, "Fuck it." Then he took off his clothes, put them in that bag, and started walking. He wasn't with a group, he wasn't in a float procession, just a naked guy walking alone down the street.
One of the dancers leading the parade through Fremont.
Said dancers getting attacked by a giant monkey on a bicycle.