I hope I didn't offend anyone with my last blog entry. Really, I was vicariously responding to this by-line I'd seen - something about the evils of the 'bi-coastal elite" - in an article I'd seen on a politically conservative blog while I was doing a little research to settle a debate about handguns and concealed carry laws. I didn't mean to give anyone the impression I'm some ambitious asshole with little patience for the people around him.
We went out for Ethiopian tonight with a friend of mine. I would say, "We went out for Ethiopian with my ex-girlfriend", but as she rightfully pointed out, what's the point of saying so? Whenever you introduce someone as your ex, there does seem to be a sort of negative connotation behind your words. And my relationship with this friend is anything but negative; it truly is refreshing to have the sort of relationship with her and with my girlfriend where I can sit down, have dinner with both of them together, and they both enjoy it. So do I.
This week has been a bit of an off-week for my art. I was in the process of doing some pieces to show to Cryptic Studios over in Los Gatos. They're the company that handles City of Heroes, City of Villains, and the new Marvel MMORPG coming out next year. They're looking for a concept artist, and to say that I'd love the job is an understatement. But having computer errors and my own stupidity fuck up a piece I'd been working on, literally, for days is sort of frustrating. That frustration seems to have created some form of a creative block. To attempt to counter that, I have been forcing things. I've never been the sort of guy that can say, "Today, I'm going to paint for four hours, from 10 this morning until 2 this afternoon." I do stuff when the urge hits me, for as long as the urge stays with me. Sometimes, I doodle for ten minutes, sometimes I draw and paint for hours. So forcing is no good, either. But as more time passes, you start to get a little concerned, that causes you to try and push yourself, that in turn places you farther away from any real creative conduit, and it becomes this cycle.
In happier news, my lip is finally healed enough to where I can lick pussy again. Hallefuckinglujah.

We went out for Ethiopian tonight with a friend of mine. I would say, "We went out for Ethiopian with my ex-girlfriend", but as she rightfully pointed out, what's the point of saying so? Whenever you introduce someone as your ex, there does seem to be a sort of negative connotation behind your words. And my relationship with this friend is anything but negative; it truly is refreshing to have the sort of relationship with her and with my girlfriend where I can sit down, have dinner with both of them together, and they both enjoy it. So do I.
This week has been a bit of an off-week for my art. I was in the process of doing some pieces to show to Cryptic Studios over in Los Gatos. They're the company that handles City of Heroes, City of Villains, and the new Marvel MMORPG coming out next year. They're looking for a concept artist, and to say that I'd love the job is an understatement. But having computer errors and my own stupidity fuck up a piece I'd been working on, literally, for days is sort of frustrating. That frustration seems to have created some form of a creative block. To attempt to counter that, I have been forcing things. I've never been the sort of guy that can say, "Today, I'm going to paint for four hours, from 10 this morning until 2 this afternoon." I do stuff when the urge hits me, for as long as the urge stays with me. Sometimes, I doodle for ten minutes, sometimes I draw and paint for hours. So forcing is no good, either. But as more time passes, you start to get a little concerned, that causes you to try and push yourself, that in turn places you farther away from any real creative conduit, and it becomes this cycle.
In happier news, my lip is finally healed enough to where I can lick pussy again. Hallefuckinglujah.
I have had the biggest creative block of my life for the past few years. And I mean it, I am no where near as creative as I once was. I used to write poetry, and stories, and essays, and songs, and play guitar, and draw, and..... ya know. Jack of all trades, master of none, but I enjoyed them all immensely. I would love to get back that urge, but i just dont feel it like I used to. I dont feel like I have much to say that hasn't already been said, or do that hasnt been done.
And after reading your last post, I can say that you have actually brought up a point that I hadn't considered, at least not the way you put it. There isnt anything wrong with people wanting the best from themselves or for themselves. I've never really considered myself an elitist in any way, but I don't think I strive for or am even generally "ok" with mediocrity. I just kind of got myself into a rut, and feel a sick sense of loathing for those who seem to have found their path, and set their goals. heh. It's jealousy, I know. But that's not the typical type of elitism that I encounter. I'm really not a fan of those who are so into what they are into that they are completely unaccepting of anyhthing even remotely different. That they've completely closed their minds to the prospect of something new. Selling video games, i encounter a lot of people who would be labeled elitists(most label themselves that way) and they usually also classify as fanboys/girls. The xbox360/ps3 rivalry is pretty funny. It's like mac and PCs. Only not as thieving. hehe. I just think that in order to really know what's better, you should weigh all the options, not just what brand it is, or what company makes it.
sorry for the uber long post. I'm a bit stoned.
You're in the Straight Edge group? Are you suddenly giving up your affair with Jager n Jack?