This is a super, super, super early rough of some concept art I'm doing for a children's story with a friend of mine. Slightly larger version in my Attachments album.

It's a bit low-rez because it's been shrunk down from its native size. I start everything out with a canvas that's about 2000 x 2000, pixel size. I left it untouched whatsoever so that the nuts and bolts of the thing might be a little more visible. That stuff is always interesting to me.
The basic idea is that the main character, a little boy, has a stuffed dragon that he takes with him to sleep at night. The dragon watches over him while he sleeps, giving him good dreams, etc. All his little friends have things they take to sleep as well. When the children sleep, these creatures and objects travel to a dream place, a Land of Good Night or something, and they fight nightmares.
It's been a sorta' uneventful weekend of just sitting around the house, enjoying some free time. Yesterday, we went to watch Alex's littlest brother Jackson pitch for his Little League team. I worked with Jackson on his pitching last Sunday, and we're going to try to make it a regular thing. He pitched three innings, struck out five, and only gave up three runs (in these Little League games, scores can and often do run up into the twenties). He's nine. We were all very proud.
Today Alex and I went out and watched Blades of Glory. I don't want to give anything away. It's funny enough.
In case I don't get an opportunity to do so tomorrow, I hope you all have a great Easter, and that your Easter Bunny comes with a zipper, is sexy as fuck underneath the fake fur and big head, and wants to do some scavenger huntin'... in your pants (I slay me).

It's a bit low-rez because it's been shrunk down from its native size. I start everything out with a canvas that's about 2000 x 2000, pixel size. I left it untouched whatsoever so that the nuts and bolts of the thing might be a little more visible. That stuff is always interesting to me.
The basic idea is that the main character, a little boy, has a stuffed dragon that he takes with him to sleep at night. The dragon watches over him while he sleeps, giving him good dreams, etc. All his little friends have things they take to sleep as well. When the children sleep, these creatures and objects travel to a dream place, a Land of Good Night or something, and they fight nightmares.
It's been a sorta' uneventful weekend of just sitting around the house, enjoying some free time. Yesterday, we went to watch Alex's littlest brother Jackson pitch for his Little League team. I worked with Jackson on his pitching last Sunday, and we're going to try to make it a regular thing. He pitched three innings, struck out five, and only gave up three runs (in these Little League games, scores can and often do run up into the twenties). He's nine. We were all very proud.
Today Alex and I went out and watched Blades of Glory. I don't want to give anything away. It's funny enough.
In case I don't get an opportunity to do so tomorrow, I hope you all have a great Easter, and that your Easter Bunny comes with a zipper, is sexy as fuck underneath the fake fur and big head, and wants to do some scavenger huntin'... in your pants (I slay me).
I love you to pieces.