Sorry I haven't been around for a bit, but I'm pretty much over this site. It's been sorta' building for a while, and it's come to an official head tonight. Long story short, I'm pretty disgusted with the "real" SuicideGirls and I'm writing this blog in order to get my account zotted. I'll include some helpful literature at the end in order to both inform... Read More
Sort of in response to Phoenixgirl's comment on my last blog, I'm going to be attending West Valley College this fall to start my BA in Art and Design with a specialization in Animation and Illustration. I went out today to speak with a councilor and collect financial aid info. After I got home, I squared away some leftover tax stuff and finished a FASFA... Read More
First, the gamer nerd shit, then some general life shit. Then pictures of hot naked bitches.
I bought Shadowrun. Everyone I talked to said they didn't like it. I really don't get that, because I'm in fucking love with it. It's like the bastard child of Counter-Strike and Team Fortress. I'm day-dreaming about quitting my job to become a Shadowrun player on the pro circuit.... Read More
First I'll post the fluffy stuff, and then I'll do the bitchin'.
I'm playing the fuck out of Overlord on the 360. I didn't think I'd enjoy it as much as I am. It's like this weird cross between Fable and Pikmin. When I'm not playing that I'm playing Gears of War on Live, entertaining dreams of quitting my job and becoming a pro gamer... Read More
YAY, another band geek... My BF plays tuba lol... anyhow, sry to hear about the job stituation, my mother went through this and decided NOT to go back to school.... so instead she changes companies everytime she feels like she has reached her 'peak' in the company. Her *being a human resource manager* mistakes don't have to followed by others, goodluck!
P.S. If you go to school to get a 'good enough' job you won't have to worry about your student loans for long, right?
Organizations like the Family Research Council would have you believe that their civil rights are being trampled because they "speak out against homosexuality". Specifically, they are lobbying against hate crime legislation in this country on the grounds that it violates their free speech rights guaranteed to them by the Constitution.
Let's address it on its face. I believe that hate crime... Read More
Konichiwa, bitches. That's me using proper Japanese.
I am seriously trying to teach myself some Japanese phrases. I think that when I get around to enrolling in school that I'll consider some Japanese courses. This week I realized that being fluent in a second language is probably very useful professionally. In the line of work I'm in right now, that seems like a good choice... Read More
We left the South Bay around 10 am Wednesday morning. We were heading up to Washington for three days plus two days of drive time. Thursday and half of Friday we'd be with Naima's mom and dad in Mossyrock, WA, the other half of Friday and Saturday... Read More
I know!! I've got both fingers crossed and my breath held, I'm so beyond excited. I'm going to be crushed if they give me some lame duty like "tour of the building" and that's it.