Long weekend. Saturday we travelled up to the Cow Palace to a tattoo expo. It was nice and all, but both of us were a little bit leery on the hygiene front. So we ended up heading out to this place called Pierced Ink in downtown San Jose and getting our lips done. I watched Alex get her nips re-done. Her tits look even more...
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Man, I was going to chime in on your thread but, it got zotted or whatever the term is. I don't share your opinion on fake tits 100% but, I am often bemused by the amorphous concept of beauty on the site. However, while I appreciate the fact that folks see breast implants as a body mod, I'm sure if they came across a guy on the site with a penial implant, he would be ridiculed without any defense. Ahh, what can you do,. the world is riddled with double-standards.
Here's hoping someone flirts with you in a filthy, explicit way today.

That's beyond awesome. I'm out of luck for today though, cause it's a blizard outside.
I listen to a shit-ton of straight-edge/Christian metal, metalcore, and hardcore. Like, a lot. I am listening to the new Haste The Day as I type this. I'm afraid there might be a closeted good boy inside me somewhere. skull
Oh noes! A good boy inside of you? That would be [bad french accent] tres terrible!!! [/bad french accent]
Yah, he's got one alright, as much as he hates to admit it ;P
L2 Attach. LOL.

Love you, baby., love

It would seem that you have more tallent for making cool tattoos than I had orginally suspected. Keep up the good work! smile
It looks awesome, babe! You do such good work.
So hot. love
New piece in my Art album. I'm satisfied.

I finished God of War 2 this morning. Needless to say, I'm very satisfied.

Hope you get laid today!
By all means....I'd be endlessly flattered!!

And the new art...amazing!
She looks great, babe.

And yesloinclothpleaseyesyesyes.
Wow. I haven't updated in a long time.

The tattoo is finished. I still haven't gotten around to taking any photographs of it. I'm extremely happy with the way it turned out, although a small part of me kinda' liked it as lineart, too. Either way, I'm glad it's not in that half-finished state it was in for three weeks.

Life has been... eventful, of...
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For all it's worth, every piece that you show me, I absolutely love.

I'd feel that way even if I wasn't in love with you,babe.


Keep up the good work, every time, you amaze me more than the last.
For realz.

Lerv. ARRR!!!
Buhhh, myspace isnt working right now,so here's the response to the respone to the comment I left above and your reply on myspace tongue

You know, at first I had no idea what you were talking about.

Then I realized you cross replied to my comment I left you on Suicide Girls, to Myspace.

Lol tongue
I love you. So much.

Don't go.
We had a Super Bowl party. It was a success. I have a headache.

Tomorrow I'm heading back up to Black and Blue to finish the fill-in on the Devil tarot. This could be a much longer sitting than the line work, as much as twice as long. There's a lot of solid black fill. It's gonna' hurt. I can't wait.

I think I've decided...
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I'm reading peoples' blogs and MySpace bulletins because I am bored. I'm looking over their comments and profiles. It makes me whimsical; because I'm a gypsy, I'm not blessed with an over-abundance of friends and loved-ones. It's not anyone's fault. It's not even really my own, because I have to make the decisions that are best for my life, though sometimes, I think that perhaps...
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Hello new friend.