i know i know- it's been like forever and a day since i last posted. i have had so much going on- working, cleaning (always), new relationship *squish*, dealing with crap left over from old relationship, traveling some, still being anti-social when i'm at home- can't help it- so still forgive me for not having called anyone or been hanging out. shit- even my best friend couldn't get in touch with me to tell me our good friend had committed suicide. the next day my bunny Cole died. my mo had surgery to remove some ovarian cysts (and the ovaries too).... i kinda feel like i got smacked in the face by life, you know? but one of my colsolations has been strikinghelix who has been by my side through all this shit- big hugs and kisses go out to him
on friday my bitch-ass co-worker didn't show up and it was the day from hell- emergency after emergency, double booked appointments, a grumpy boss, late lunch, and several dead or dying animals. saturday was fucked up too cause my other co-worker didn't show up either. if i worked with a bunch of other people? no prob- call in sick, see if i give a fuck. but when i only have one other tech who works with me? fuck you for leaving my ass there alone on a busy day.
ok- glad i got that out of my system.
onto better things- i have missed you all, even though i have not checked in- partly being antisocial, the other part being that i had no internet for a bit since i pulled the damn wire out of the wall moving shit around. i had to throw out a couch that got fucked on- and NOT by me- so it had bad energy to it- so i threw it out and rearranged. much better now
the room had a way better vibe to it. yay for me
ok- off to comment in some of your journals so you do not think i am dead...

on friday my bitch-ass co-worker didn't show up and it was the day from hell- emergency after emergency, double booked appointments, a grumpy boss, late lunch, and several dead or dying animals. saturday was fucked up too cause my other co-worker didn't show up either. if i worked with a bunch of other people? no prob- call in sick, see if i give a fuck. but when i only have one other tech who works with me? fuck you for leaving my ass there alone on a busy day.
ok- glad i got that out of my system.
onto better things- i have missed you all, even though i have not checked in- partly being antisocial, the other part being that i had no internet for a bit since i pulled the damn wire out of the wall moving shit around. i had to throw out a couch that got fucked on- and NOT by me- so it had bad energy to it- so i threw it out and rearranged. much better now

ok- off to comment in some of your journals so you do not think i am dead...

Glad you're back. Hopefully things will be better and you'll be around more.
take care sweetheart!!!