so today i worked a half day, which is good cause i was out way too late last night. i must remember that sleep is also a good thing!! so now i'm home from work- the little owl is still with us- we had to feed him a mouse today
poor mouse. but we are waiting on the wildlife rehabuilitator to take him- it's too cold to release him in unknown territory, so his release will be something for the rehabber to do... he's so damn cute. ha- no prairie dogs today though... but we had a chicken come in. i love chickens too. she got kisses from me. she was attacked by a dog, so now we are going to attempt surgery to repair her tomorrow. now, i ama vegetarian for my own reasons, and i don't push my opinions on anyone... but when i saw the chickie with her skin pulled back and she was still so alert and happy- looking at her muscles and flesh- i'm just like, "how the fuck can anyone here eat chicken after seeing that meat still on them??? it's different to see the meat still attached to the body- still alive- living, breathing. and not covered in feathers. just muscle.
ok- enough grossness for ya-
i got to hang with my best friend (from when we were 14 and she used to want to kick my ass so badly- interesting how things change huh?)- anyway i got to see her yesterday after months and months... we have opposite schedules and we both stay too busy. we went to target (she spent money too so i didn't feel like a shopaholic- we needed a bunch of stupid stuff- like a new broom, pur water filters, shelf, detergent, couple of new mini blinds since the cats destroyed a few of the ones we have)- then to the bridgetown grill and then tower- i got the new savage tattoo and the new juxtapose. damn i love magazines.
its always good to see her- we can laugh at stuff no one else laughs at- shes a riot. and we both have the same warped sense of humor.
of course, we were only born a day apart , so that may be a part of it...
can't wait to see everyone at the burlesque show tomorrow!!!
a girl i work with is having some difficulties and may be "downsizing" her household- she has a ton of animals- all rescued from someone or something- she's going to relocate some hamsters and possibly the bearded dragons (see my earlier posts about them)... she wants me to take the BD's. daniel is going to die.
anyone in the atlanta area interested in giving a good home to a hamster or three? snake owners looking for small snacks need not reply.
oh- i got to handle a neat boa today- she was really really sweet and was about 4 1/2 feet long. this is a big deal cause i am working through a snake phobia

ok- enough grossness for ya-
i got to hang with my best friend (from when we were 14 and she used to want to kick my ass so badly- interesting how things change huh?)- anyway i got to see her yesterday after months and months... we have opposite schedules and we both stay too busy. we went to target (she spent money too so i didn't feel like a shopaholic- we needed a bunch of stupid stuff- like a new broom, pur water filters, shelf, detergent, couple of new mini blinds since the cats destroyed a few of the ones we have)- then to the bridgetown grill and then tower- i got the new savage tattoo and the new juxtapose. damn i love magazines.
its always good to see her- we can laugh at stuff no one else laughs at- shes a riot. and we both have the same warped sense of humor.

can't wait to see everyone at the burlesque show tomorrow!!!
a girl i work with is having some difficulties and may be "downsizing" her household- she has a ton of animals- all rescued from someone or something- she's going to relocate some hamsters and possibly the bearded dragons (see my earlier posts about them)... she wants me to take the BD's. daniel is going to die.
anyone in the atlanta area interested in giving a good home to a hamster or three? snake owners looking for small snacks need not reply.
oh- i got to handle a neat boa today- she was really really sweet and was about 4 1/2 feet long. this is a big deal cause i am working through a snake phobia

Merc LOVES the spiders!!! We took some pics of him with them. I'll e-mail them to you when I download them. He sleeps with both of them every night!!!

It was very nice to meet you last week!! You're such a cutie!