holy crap- tired tired tired
worked almost a 12 hour day- just wanted to pop in and say hi
i need a shower and some herb to finish the day off nicely
one of my kitties is mad and hes growling in a weird way and sitting on the monitor- its kinda creepy... and a little unnerving- cause hes my crazy kitty- chino. loco chino is more like it... he came from a bad home (but like 8 fucking years ago! you think he'd be a little better now)
damn mutant animals- theres a bearded dragon at work that is in need of a home- i will probably take it in- he is now missing one foot. he had been attacked by another b.d. and the people who brought it in wanted it euthanised. we amputated it's foot and now its homeless. (that's a bad fucking day to lose your foot and your home!!!) we're checking with other b.d owners to see if they want him, but i think we may foster him... d is gonna kill me. i can already see him pulling out his hair
see? damn mutant animals- i am drawn to them. they are drawn to me.
ok. shower time. (whoa whoa whoa wo h oh oh whoa)
worked almost a 12 hour day- just wanted to pop in and say hi

i need a shower and some herb to finish the day off nicely

one of my kitties is mad and hes growling in a weird way and sitting on the monitor- its kinda creepy... and a little unnerving- cause hes my crazy kitty- chino. loco chino is more like it... he came from a bad home (but like 8 fucking years ago! you think he'd be a little better now)
damn mutant animals- theres a bearded dragon at work that is in need of a home- i will probably take it in- he is now missing one foot. he had been attacked by another b.d. and the people who brought it in wanted it euthanised. we amputated it's foot and now its homeless. (that's a bad fucking day to lose your foot and your home!!!) we're checking with other b.d owners to see if they want him, but i think we may foster him... d is gonna kill me. i can already see him pulling out his hair
see? damn mutant animals- i am drawn to them. they are drawn to me.
ok. shower time. (whoa whoa whoa wo h oh oh whoa)

You mean to tell me you still have some Jager left? Well we will definitely have to remedy that.
I don't think I can go to see Mastodon like I wanted to. :pouts: I have all these errands to run before picking up some people to go to the party--my companions don't want to go to the show cause they are big sissies. So it looks like I'm just gonna go to my friend's house for a big ol' party. There's a kegerator there
You, Daniel, & whoever else you're with would be most welcome to stop by--it's basically right where Ponce crosses 285--I guess that's just 1 or 2 exits north from the Memorial Drive exit. Give me a holler if ya want to hang and I can give directions and shit. I'm being good and staying relatively sober that night so I can drive you home if you get plastered too
Alrighty then, take it easy--if I don't hear from you maybe we can chill this weekend or something.