lollapalooza was awesome i don't care what anyone says!!! janes addiction rocked my world- and queens of the stone age was awesome too- much better than i had even expected them to be... and the bassist's goatee was kinda sexy too :rowr: as was his screaming... :rowwwwwrrr:
some of those little kids made me feel so old- but then there were some i wanted to slap the shit out of for being dumbasses- like the kid two rows up who needed to be on something for being a freakin spazz- even his kissy girlfriend was pissed at him... he was really a jerkoff
he might have been 14
but some of the little punk and goth kids give me hope for the children of the future
but damn i felt old. heh
and audioslave ws fucking awesome...
and J5 oh hell- they were all good- but i don't dig Incubus- icoulda done w/o them
i ran into an old friend of mine- kevin- that i hadnt seen in almost 10 years- one of my high school buddies- it was sooooooo good to see him- we're gonna get together - he and his wife- me and my man.
anyways then it rained like hell and my feet got soaked (well all of me did, but i had to walk through huge puddles to get to the car) i can't stand walking in wet socks... wet shoes, maybe. wet socks- NO. put that up there with water torture, ripping my fingernails off, and being smothered (i cannot stand to be smothered- my ex used tothink it was funny to hold me down and smother me for some strange reason- it sent me into attack mode- NOT healthy) restrained is ok... smothered? not ok
anyways- the show was awesome and we had a great time... and got nice and wet
i'm babysitting today- as i do every mon and weds- i get paid in tattoos and piercings- what could be better?
little monkey is into EVERYTHING- 9 months and almost walking
my monster toys are too tempting for her- i can only imagine another 3 or 4 months....yikes!
gotta run!
some of those little kids made me feel so old- but then there were some i wanted to slap the shit out of for being dumbasses- like the kid two rows up who needed to be on something for being a freakin spazz- even his kissy girlfriend was pissed at him... he was really a jerkoff
he might have been 14
but some of the little punk and goth kids give me hope for the children of the future

but damn i felt old. heh
and audioslave ws fucking awesome...
and J5 oh hell- they were all good- but i don't dig Incubus- icoulda done w/o them
i ran into an old friend of mine- kevin- that i hadnt seen in almost 10 years- one of my high school buddies- it was sooooooo good to see him- we're gonna get together - he and his wife- me and my man.
anyways then it rained like hell and my feet got soaked (well all of me did, but i had to walk through huge puddles to get to the car) i can't stand walking in wet socks... wet shoes, maybe. wet socks- NO. put that up there with water torture, ripping my fingernails off, and being smothered (i cannot stand to be smothered- my ex used tothink it was funny to hold me down and smother me for some strange reason- it sent me into attack mode- NOT healthy) restrained is ok... smothered? not ok
anyways- the show was awesome and we had a great time... and got nice and wet

i'm babysitting today- as i do every mon and weds- i get paid in tattoos and piercings- what could be better?
little monkey is into EVERYTHING- 9 months and almost walking
my monster toys are too tempting for her- i can only imagine another 3 or 4 months....yikes!
gotta run!
hehehe...i once saw inucbus open up for primus and we basically booed them offstage.
The Joy Division box is amazing, it strikes me more now than it did before how much these guys impacted music - can hear so many bands from now in this music that was recorded two decades ago (and more). Sigh... good stuff, I tell you.
Yeah, I don't know what to tell you about LA. I've been through Atlanta a few times over the years, I've lived all over the US it seems. Anyone who isn't here is kinda missing out, and not just from the SG perspective... thanks for the well wishes though, I'm looking forward to meeting some new peeps as well as the usual SGLA suspects...