ok- just got back from seeing daniels brother inthe hospital- i fucking hate hospitals- so sterile, but Not sterile at the same time. there was some woman moaning in agony on his floor- give her some damn morphine and shut her up, you know what i mean?
we stayed a wee bit longer than intended (2 hours) but we got home pretty quickly and i just had a cider, so i'm all good.
and i guess no people with red hair visit the st. francis hospital- so of course everyone got quite an eyeful today. couldn't people be less obvious about being rude? you know?- like why can't they just look and go about their business instead of getting all quiet and poking their friend and then glaring at me like i'm the devil
you'd think i'd be used to it after all these years( going on 13 years of dyed hair), but i just never do.. that's why the city rocks- i dont deal with any backwoods ppl who tell me i look like someone they saw on mtv
get over it you fucking hick.
ok, yay i feel better now. small towns and me do not mix well.
ok, gonna go shower and then get freaky.....
we stayed a wee bit longer than intended (2 hours) but we got home pretty quickly and i just had a cider, so i'm all good.

and i guess no people with red hair visit the st. francis hospital- so of course everyone got quite an eyeful today. couldn't people be less obvious about being rude? you know?- like why can't they just look and go about their business instead of getting all quiet and poking their friend and then glaring at me like i'm the devil
you'd think i'd be used to it after all these years( going on 13 years of dyed hair), but i just never do.. that's why the city rocks- i dont deal with any backwoods ppl who tell me i look like someone they saw on mtv
get over it you fucking hick.
ok, yay i feel better now. small towns and me do not mix well.
ok, gonna go shower and then get freaky.....

Anyhow, saw your nick and thought it was extremely cool and figured I'd stop by and say hi and welcome to the site and stuff....