I am an emotional person. Part of it I blame on being a Cancer. I shouldn't, but I see so much resemblance in astrology books to just dismiss it as coincidental or a lucky guess. Sometimes I get upset because I open myself up to being hurt, and am. I don't have it in me to believe that this is the wrong thing to do... Read More
I'm a little slow in the aquisition of new music usually. Same goes here. But seriously, how good is X & Y? I'm loving this disc.
Oilers won tonight. I'm a huge hockey fan. Really very much actually. The team Canada roster was announced too. I'm too tired to comment on it though. Except that Smytty and Chris Feakin Pronger made the team.
A very friend of mine from university that I haven't spoken to in 6 years emailed me last Saturday. His hotmail acct revesed the messages he had stored so he looked and saw an email I sent him 6 years ago and replied to it.
He replied to a 6 year old email. I still can't get over it.
I had a great day today. I was in a great mood. Till I was bailed on. Pissed me right off. Till I made dinner. Comfort food all the way. It was ceasar salad. That's it.
Bah! Not if I can keep them down! All we have to do is teach them the colours wrong, and they'll all be so weirded out that the current crop of adults will rule forever.
Well, too long again since I updated. So much happens and there's never enough time for it all, and I sit down and start reading, only to find that there is either too much or not enough going on. So I either don't have time for it all or lose my focus and start with something else which wastes the time I need. I'm just... Read More
pack it up pack it in, it's time for the end to begin. if ya wanna chat you can mail me at: freedomtoobey@hotmail.com or if you wanna check me out: http://www.myspace.com/papaspank