I saw Napoleon Dynamite for the first time. I have hit a new low. Just when I thought it was as bad as it could get, I am apparantly worse at meeting girls than Napoleon Dynamite.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Let's say, hypothetically speaking, that you went out for a long walk in the woods and got lost. Would you know what to eat in order to avoid starvation? Here's a tip: If your shoes were leather, they'd have sufficient nutritional value to keep you going. And that's a useful metaphor for you to chew on in the coming week, Cancerian. Your current state of affairs has similarities to a meandering ramble through a deep, dark forest. You should be resourceful, even experimental, as you gather the nourishment that will sustain you until you find your way out.
hahahaha!!! why would you think there is something wrong? i was pissy for a few days and i am thinking it will be like that for the next week or so but then i will find my grove and things will be good. just lots of stress now.
Don't ask me what the hell that means.