I'm not the kind of person who brags about material wealth, but I get the feeling that as soon as chicks hear that I program video games, they assume I don't earn a lot of money. How do I work into a conversation the fact that I make around $100 000 a year programming video games, without sounding like a bragging douche? Maybe I can say that I'm paying for all of graduate school out of pocket. Maybe I ought to buy a new car. I mean, my car is 10 years old, but the founders of Google were still driving Toyota Camrys even after their company was making million dollar profits. A friend at work today suggested that I buy an Audi or a BMW, if I'm shy about trumpeting my own well-to-do-ness.
BTW, let me just say that it is utterly retarded that my worth as a dateable person depends largely on my earning potential.
BTW, let me just say that it is utterly retarded that my worth as a dateable person depends largely on my earning potential.