So, I watched this film recently.

I won't tell you what I felt after the credits finished rolling, because, until recently, I had been moping for the better part of 18+ months about a situation which shared many elements depicted in this movie and those who have been paying attention have heard about said situation ad infinitum. I'm not going to recap everything that's gone before like they do every week on 'Lost', because, well, I canceled that melodrama and I'm eager to see next season's shows. I will say, though, that the story hit not a raw nerve, but a nerve that's still building up its previously lost protective sheath.

I won't tell you what I felt after the credits finished rolling, because, until recently, I had been moping for the better part of 18+ months about a situation which shared many elements depicted in this movie and those who have been paying attention have heard about said situation ad infinitum. I'm not going to recap everything that's gone before like they do every week on 'Lost', because, well, I canceled that melodrama and I'm eager to see next season's shows. I will say, though, that the story hit not a raw nerve, but a nerve that's still building up its previously lost protective sheath.
Tom, I know you think she was the one, but I don't. Next time you look back, I think you should look again.
Just because she likes the same bizzaro crap you do doesn't mean she's your soul mate.
You weren't wrong, Tom. You were just wrong about me
I wish it had been released a year ago. Still, it was exactly the tonic I needed.
ooh, what will you be doing here??