I want to start out with the concession: I totally understand why it isn't that appealing to you.
I think for many people who are deep in the gaming world such as programmers expect more from their big-title games...and that's the way it should be. That's what pushes games to be better.
I think the reason for the lack-luster appeal Fable II has to hard-core gamers is the first one's lack of real technical skill to play.
It became more of a Harvest Moon of morality rather than gardening, missions wern't the focus of character develoment and merely moved a short story along and was more Devil May Cry hack-and-slash than Final Fantasy technical turn-based and especially not Tactics strategy.
It fell into that weird either where it wasn't simple enough to be addicting or compelling like Geometry Wars or Tetris and it wasn't complex enough to warrant any really gameplay skill.
But, being a girl...I'm allowed to like crappy games...and get excited about the crappy swag that comes along with it.
I like it for a lot of the same flaws I listed above. I'm a fan of simple hack-and-slash battle "systems."
And, I think the character development based on morality, while not played ot the extent it SHOULD have been, was enough to get me hooked.
Like any other girl, I'll sit in front of the tv and create a character in Elder Scrolls for HOURS...without even playing the game (although I later did after going back and completing all of the assassin's and thieves' guilds).
So, I understand your lack of enthusiam about the game...but, being a simpler creature...
I think for many people who are deep in the gaming world such as programmers expect more from their big-title games...and that's the way it should be. That's what pushes games to be better.
I think the reason for the lack-luster appeal Fable II has to hard-core gamers is the first one's lack of real technical skill to play.
It became more of a Harvest Moon of morality rather than gardening, missions wern't the focus of character develoment and merely moved a short story along and was more Devil May Cry hack-and-slash than Final Fantasy technical turn-based and especially not Tactics strategy.
It fell into that weird either where it wasn't simple enough to be addicting or compelling like Geometry Wars or Tetris and it wasn't complex enough to warrant any really gameplay skill.
But, being a girl...I'm allowed to like crappy games...and get excited about the crappy swag that comes along with it.
And, I think the character development based on morality, while not played ot the extent it SHOULD have been, was enough to get me hooked.
Like any other girl, I'll sit in front of the tv and create a character in Elder Scrolls for HOURS...without even playing the game (although I later did after going back and completing all of the assassin's and thieves' guilds).
So, I understand your lack of enthusiam about the game...but, being a simpler creature...
Second of all, why aren't you allowed? Hmmm