Why are we arguing about abortion rights and chasing after an Arab boogeyman and oggling barely literate naked chicks, when every species on the planet faces extinction because of man-induced climate change? It's like we're all sleepwalking into disaster.
Scientific report predicts massive drought, pestilience and species extinction because of global warming.
Today, I saw SUVs clogging the streets of Vancouver and people dropping their trash on the sidewalk as if their mothers would pick up after them. Maybe humanity deserves to die out.
I am so sick of people who just don't care.
Scientific report predicts massive drought, pestilience and species extinction because of global warming.
Today, I saw SUVs clogging the streets of Vancouver and people dropping their trash on the sidewalk as if their mothers would pick up after them. Maybe humanity deserves to die out.
I am so sick of people who just don't care.
oh and i'm obscenely snarky with my mental letters.
dear ____,
you're an obnoxious twat and i think you need to shut the fuck up.
dear ____,
you have a seriously small penis and i hate the sound of your voice. you are not that impressive and the volume doesn't compensate for any of your shortcomings.
it gets more detailed but i don't like to broadcast stuff like that around here. haha.