So. I might as well get this out of the way. I get paid to make video
games, so if you have a thing about me getting paid well to be a
professional geek, then, as Dionne Warwick so succintly sang, walk on
by. Having admitted that fact, though, I'm not a geek who is going to
get pushed around. I study classical Japanese martial arts, and if I'm
not in the ocean on my surfboard, I'm probably somewhere riding my
snowboard. What else? Oh, I used to be big into music, but my
professional life keeps me so busy that I haven't had time to update
my scenester street cred. I rely on my buddy at MuchMusic to keep me
in the know about the kind of hip bands who have obscure names and a
small but rabid fan-base of Rivers Cuomo-esque indie rock kids.
Apparently, I like to move a lot; Vancouver is the third city in which
I've lived in the past year. Before Vancouver, I set up residence in
Montreal, and before Montreal, I lived in Los Angeles for 2 years, and
before Los Angeles, I was a denizen of Toronto. See, gypsy. I think
the 'Couv may be the place for me. We'll see. The other pedestrian
details that one normally finds in a personals ad also apply to mine:
well-adjusted, no criminal record, never been the subject of military
experimentation, closet fan of honky tonk music, doesn't get 'Donnie
I'm not looking for my partner in crime, nor am I looking for my
soul-mate. All I'm looking for are a couple of smokes, a cup of coffee
and a little bit of conversation. Sans the smokes, to be honest
Actually, I'd be happy to meet a date buddy who would sing Hope
Sandoval's part while I sang Jim Reid's lines in a stirring karaoke
rendition of 'Sometimes Always'.
I guess if you want to know more, you'll smile. Or attempt to
establish some kind of psychic rapport.
Let me ask you something. Would you be intrigued by the author of this personals profile?
Sorry to disappoint. I don't watch much TV, so the stuff I *am* watching is 3 million years old and downloadable. The BF is hooked on House, hence I end up watching it, and Sex and the City is kind of a guilty pleasure. Otherwise, I don't really have anything I watch religiously. I liked Buffy and Angel when they were on, but I haven't made it a point to search them out, mostly cus I don't want to get hooked and waste all my time watching 'em, good as they are.
True. Then again sometimes people try to "fix" the world in exactly the wrong ways.