Im one of these people who constantly see wicked shit, or 'meme' isn't that what the kids are calling it these days? 'Lol' and save these pictures to my phone to the point now where i have a folder of like 900 images SAYY WAAAAT.
These images are like my babies HAHA i can't part with them or cull them π i collect them, love them and embrace them.
HAHAHAHAHA ^ me every time i finish ready a book or watching a kick ass TV series.
No but seriously though, i find some really fucking insightful shit
And if space alpacas, Pooh, wrestling a bear with your epic ginger beard, or a totally stoked goat doesn't get you going.. then maybe this will..
What is the point to all this? Well, the point is that LIFE IS GOOD and being inspired is a beautiful thing.. I follow a philosopher on YouTube called Jason Silva. Jason has created a series of short films called 'shots of awe' and if you haven't heard of Jason Silva or 'shots of awe' then i highly recommend you check it out! Because it's brilliant. Jason will blow your mind and leave you feeling inspired for the rest of the day!
I've noticed that a lot of people are jumping on board with whole spiritual evolution we're all ultimately apart of, whether we're conscious of the shift or not. I see it time and time again on social media people preaching how 'enlightened' they are, as if they're like the chosen one HAHA but enlightenment if something we're ALL capable of, and its a journey not a destination! ...There's so, sooo many ah'mazing books out there to read but essentially, "All you need is love" ;) and be kind, always! Be kind to the earth, be kind to yourself and your body, be kind to your partner, children, strangers.
BE KIND and baby, that's what being enlightened is all about βπ
So go forth my prettys, increase your vibration. Peace. Xx
HAHAHAHAHA ok so the last one was just for 'lols' πβΊ