I have to say im so amazed at our quickly my body bounced back! I have a totally new appreciation for the female form ♡ women are amazing! Seriously!
My little blossom turned 6 months old yesterday :') oh how the time has just flown by! I love her so much, I literally wanna cry sometimes at how perfect she is... ive always been very hard on myself, it just blows my mind that I have given life to someone so beautiful and so divine ♡
Happy half birthday baby girl ♡♡♡ Thank you for being the best part of my life
omg, I hope to get my body as soon as you. actually I have a little fear, just go for the 4th month of pregnant and I have already uploaded many kilos ... by the way, your baby is beautiful!
Wow! You bounced right the fuck back, didn't you? Congrats! And the baby pic turned me into a giant retard. She's beautiful! I d'aawed so hard.