Its easy to take off your clothes and have sex. People do it all the time. But opening up your soul to someone, letting them into your spirit, thoughts, fears, future, hopes, dreams ... that is being naked.
I have been thinking about this a lot lately...specifically the ways in which I use sex to connect my body to other people, but never my mind. I can feel as if I am being so vulnerable and intimate in these moments, but deep down I know that the real me is still hidden under a dark veil. It's funny how I can feel so open and comfortable in nothing but my skin, but then when someone asks me to tell them who I am...what I desire...what I dream of and hope for in my future, I crumble and disengage. I have learned to speak with my body and not my soul, which is something I would like to work on. I want the passion jarred inside me to be released in ways more than just physical. For once, I want to allow myself to be truly naked.