I have realized that I am that weird guy. You know, the one who knows a lot about like one or two niche interest fields and makes people feel awkward. That would be me. Growing up, it was books that captured my interest first. Then music and video games came along and changed me into more of a geek. Instead of hanging out with kids my own age, I was often just alone in my room after homework either reading, listening to music or playing a video game. I am realizing that partially this has caused me to be strange in social situations.
I don't really get how to connect with people at times. They seem so excited about such mundane, daily things and their mouths never stop. And the few good friends I have had made in recent years are basically all but gone. Either moved away for good or so wrapped up being in a relationship/married that there is little to no time for me. It's hard enough making friends as a kid but seems even harder as an adult. I really don't relate to many people my age and it's bumming me out really hard lately.
I don't really get how to connect with people at times. They seem so excited about such mundane, daily things and their mouths never stop. And the few good friends I have had made in recent years are basically all but gone. Either moved away for good or so wrapped up being in a relationship/married that there is little to no time for me. It's hard enough making friends as a kid but seems even harder as an adult. I really don't relate to many people my age and it's bumming me out really hard lately.

un beso from Chile!