Well, last night was certainly a departure from the previous New Year incident. Was certainly a much better experience. I have cleaned my act up a bit and really don't even drink that often, don't smoke pot at all anymore and have never cared to go beyond any of that anyway. But I will be damned if I didn't surround myself with people taking MDMA and shrooms whilst smoking bowls. The entertainment of seeing this while watching one of the Harry Potter flicks was priceless.
Anyway, it helped my mood out a bit. I have been in the dumps lately due to the past few months of just what felt like trial after trial. So I got out for once, which is a rare occasion anymore and had some fun. After having really close friends move away in droves or being distant because they are stuck up their SO's butt, this was a welcome night for me. Got to catch up with a friend and her boyfriend whom I haven't seen in like a year. Social anxiety can be a drag and I was thankful they invited me out to chill with them.
It's kinda funny because I have a growing hatred for holiday events, due to them always seeming to end up in a bad place. That may also be because as an introvert and socially anxious person, I struggle with long amounts of social stimuli. Which in turn sucks because I want at times to be around people but then I end up being irritated by them. Such an annoying cycle, haha. Anyway, this is the ramblings of a socially anxious man trying to make his way in the world. Happy New Year to you all!
Anyway, it helped my mood out a bit. I have been in the dumps lately due to the past few months of just what felt like trial after trial. So I got out for once, which is a rare occasion anymore and had some fun. After having really close friends move away in droves or being distant because they are stuck up their SO's butt, this was a welcome night for me. Got to catch up with a friend and her boyfriend whom I haven't seen in like a year. Social anxiety can be a drag and I was thankful they invited me out to chill with them.
It's kinda funny because I have a growing hatred for holiday events, due to them always seeming to end up in a bad place. That may also be because as an introvert and socially anxious person, I struggle with long amounts of social stimuli. Which in turn sucks because I want at times to be around people but then I end up being irritated by them. Such an annoying cycle, haha. Anyway, this is the ramblings of a socially anxious man trying to make his way in the world. Happy New Year to you all!

Happy New Years to you bro !!