i'm tired constantly. it is a problem that will not be fixed fopr months on end. With college and work I just have no free time at all. When I finish in four months I'll have an overabundance of time.I recently got a feeling that after I get my associate's degree I should just stop there. i'm poor enough and getting a bachelor's wont get me far in the fine art world. Maybe it's better to actively pursue it on my own instead of having someone else show me everything. I find it disturbing how many people I meet with their bachelor's degree in Fine arts and it got them nowhere and did nothing for them. Where to go though, and what to do, now that's the real question. I'm tired of New Jersey. if I was more skilled I'd leave it all in a matter of moments. It's too depressing going to the same parties seeing all the same people everyday. I feel trapped in this small tightly packed state. Maybe by the time I actually get my associate's i 'll be out of here then.
More Blogs
Thursday Apr 29, 2004
steps to getting over a crush: 1. spend more time on creating things… -
Monday Apr 26, 2004
Long Weekend. interesting though. Ron Jeremy is shorter in person tha… -
Friday Apr 23, 2004
I got a birthday card today from the girl who took my virginity. I ha… -
Thursday Apr 22, 2004
22 hours straight now without sleep. How does this keep on happening?… -
Monday Apr 19, 2004
The girl that sits next to me in Yoga class told me today that she's … -
Wednesday Apr 14, 2004
so i am hypocritically back on the computer now, but what else is the… -
Tuesday Apr 13, 2004
in Art History 2 today we had a long discussion about how computers a… -
Monday Apr 12, 2004
Here it is now 11 at night-7 hours before work and i am still drunk,… -
Monday Apr 12, 2004
Wow. It is really awkward to look at this site while at school. There… -
Thursday Apr 08, 2004
After work tommorow i'm leaving for A.C. for this godforsaken religio…