i'm tired constantly. it is a problem that will not be fixed fopr months on end. With college and work I just have no free time at all. When I finish in four months I'll have an overabundance of time.I recently got a feeling that after I get my associate's degree I should just stop there. i'm poor enough and getting a bachelor's wont get me far in the fine art world. Maybe it's better to actively pursue it on my own instead of having someone else show me everything. I find it disturbing how many people I meet with their bachelor's degree in Fine arts and it got them nowhere and did nothing for them. Where to go though, and what to do, now that's the real question. I'm tired of New Jersey. if I was more skilled I'd leave it all in a matter of moments. It's too depressing going to the same parties seeing all the same people everyday. I feel trapped in this small tightly packed state. Maybe by the time I actually get my associate's i 'll be out of here then.
More Blogs
Tuesday Aug 17, 2004
Just got back from driving an old friend to the airport , where he wi… -
Monday Aug 16, 2004
The whole week is already gone and it's only Monday. -sigh- Then one… -
Saturday Aug 14, 2004
look, it's nearly 2 a.m. now and i am completely drunk and must be at… -
Friday Aug 13, 2004
i found a new respect for painting abstract forms. I always thought i… -
Monday Aug 09, 2004
Things are back to "normal" now. Warped Tour was fucking amazing, exc… -
Wednesday Aug 04, 2004
What a fucked up week for it only being Wednesday. In the last 3 days… -
Saturday Jul 31, 2004
i started hearing voices a few minutes ago while reading a book. Even… -
Friday Jul 30, 2004
Having a fast metabolism really sucks when it comes to drinking. I dr… -
Thursday Jul 29, 2004
I'm not supposed yo let anyone know I am partying at Jay's house righ… -
Wednesday Jul 28, 2004
i need more sleep. 5 hours a night is only great in the sense that I …