My new good resolutions
I finished my final exams yesterday. I will go back to France to start something new. So I decided to take good resolutions:
1: I want to loose weight, at least ten kilos. I hope it twill help me to feel more self-confident.
2: I want to do sport. I hate sport. Really But if I want to be prettier I have to do sport And I think i twill me to loose weight.
3: I want to be more extrovert; actually less introvert will be a good beginning. Because I am so shy sometimes It is ridiculous.
I will go back to France il 10 days. I really want to begin something new I hope these goods resolutions will help me.

I finished my final exams yesterday. I will go back to France to start something new. So I decided to take good resolutions:
1: I want to loose weight, at least ten kilos. I hope it twill help me to feel more self-confident.
2: I want to do sport. I hate sport. Really But if I want to be prettier I have to do sport And I think i twill me to loose weight.
3: I want to be more extrovert; actually less introvert will be a good beginning. Because I am so shy sometimes It is ridiculous.
I will go back to France il 10 days. I really want to begin something new I hope these goods resolutions will help me.
1st off you are already pretty.. I do understand in the staying active part.. it really does make you feel better. Try bike riding or hiking in the forest.. 

dpgc44 , I do not know ridding