And so the 'myspacing' of continues unabated. Jesus.
Thanks to all who sent birthday wishes--it really meant a lot to me. I'm just now sobering up enough function properly. I mean, 40 is kind of a milestone I guess. No big deal to me--I don't feel any different or anything. Actually, it's more fun to play old man martyr than anything. My best friend calles me "Old Man Grumpus", and if you've read Matt Groening's "Life is Hell" series, you understand.
What's eveyone got planned for the upcoming holidays? We're sticking around home, maybe take the kids to Sea World or something. We don't get into the whole religous apects of the season, but it's a great time for family and friends to be together, drink too much eggnog, eat way too much, and blow off steam before the coming new year.
Happy Festivus everyone.
Thanks to all who sent birthday wishes--it really meant a lot to me. I'm just now sobering up enough function properly. I mean, 40 is kind of a milestone I guess. No big deal to me--I don't feel any different or anything. Actually, it's more fun to play old man martyr than anything. My best friend calles me "Old Man Grumpus", and if you've read Matt Groening's "Life is Hell" series, you understand.
What's eveyone got planned for the upcoming holidays? We're sticking around home, maybe take the kids to Sea World or something. We don't get into the whole religous apects of the season, but it's a great time for family and friends to be together, drink too much eggnog, eat way too much, and blow off steam before the coming new year.
Happy Festivus everyone.

its when you think beige is a good colour to wear age has hit you. and i think they'll change it soon, the sex tab has already been changed thank god.

I'm not doing much for christmas. Will probably go to my mums for lunch and my husbands parents place for christmas dinner.