This week, after I took a picture of the last boy, a drunk guy with his girl friends showed me a video of a goblin shark he saw in an aquarium, I couldn't stop laughing how unexpected it was to see this
"i took this video because it was weird, but I don't know its name!"
"it's a goblin shark"
".. you.. Ok thanks!"
Proof that looking at weird animals all day can be usefull hehe Then I thought I could maybe put a goblin shark picture on my phone and show it to the next hot guy but I'm even to shy for it ^^ I think I'm still gonna take one, we never know if I'm in a brave mood
More goblin sharks!!
I'm as fascinated as scared by underwater life. I often think how cool it must be to fly in the sea but the idea of not seeing a monster arriving without the possibility of running away terrorizes me. Well that's stupid, who could escape to a dinosaur on Earth anyway..
A few years ago I modeled for a.. begginer photographers workshop and the guy who organized it wanted to make another in Tunisia I think, to make underwater picture which is kind of my dream so, I HEARD IT. I can swim but I'm scared. I'm a fucking chick I'm scared of everything. So he was a fond of diving and I considered taking lessons.. (I had no news about this workshop, nevermind) I still wanna do it. I've already started practising yga, pole dance and skate, I've wanted it for years and I can't do everything at once but, I keep diving in mind. I need diving partners.
I want to be Alexander Safonov seriously. This guy is so lucky to see and photograph all those marvellous fishes and whales and all.
Hey Music.
I've been obsessed with the french/belgium band Applause lately. (thank God they sing in English, I hate french in songs) This band has kind of everything I like. Beautiful melodies, beautiful music, beautiful voice, I haven't really paid attention to the texts for the moment but they look cool too. When I love a voice I want to see the head who has it.
Hey how rad is this jumping stick seriously?
For those who are not here to see jumping sticks :
On a side note, I like the first two pictures of your "Crappy teenage webcam pics." The facial expressions, oh gosh. They amuse me so. As well as the cat just staring.