Hi everyone!
I'm not much involved in the site as usual, I still follow my friend's blogs and sets even not always commented.
So here are some news for those who are interested
Each year an international animation festival takes place in Annecy.
So first, let's see how this town looks like...
I went with my school with two bus, we camped out one week.
I watch almost all shows I expected and spent the whole week with my gay boy so I won't call it the cursed fest (last two years weren't that cool).
Except we woke up wet the first morning/night if we only slept. Rain, rain, rain and holes in the tent. We've only spent two confortable nights without being cold.
Sooooo let's talk about films : my two favourites got a award!
Lost and Found
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My very favourite was "Lost and Found", a TV Christmas special programm (which isn't about christmas at all) made by the super London-based
Studio Aka.
It's a super sweet story about a little booy who finds someday a lost penguin and decides to bring him back to the South Pole.
It's based on a picture book by
Oliver Jeffers :
Well it's a really beautiful 25 minutes film,
the DVD is available, and it's really cheap so I advice you to buy it you won't be disapointed AT ALL
Mary and Max
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This stop-motion film is about a 8 yo austrlian girl who becomes pen-friend with 44 yo New-yorker.
It's funny and sinister, more an adult film.
The site is amazing and will give you a good preview of the film!
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I'm quite lost about my future, I mean I still don't really know where I'll live in november.
As I maybe said in a previous blog (that everyone forgot because it was a long time ago

) I don't want to work in my town's studios. Most of them do absolutly uninteresting/ugly/stupid tv series and I don't want to spent my energy in that kind of things.
I wanted to move in Canada first, or in Australia, then in London or Berlin because I discovered a really nice studio in the fest.
Studio Aka and
Studio So are collegues, they are two reaaaaally good studio that make mainly commercial but also films and my style is pretty close to theirs so I'll enjoy to work with them.
But my boyfriend doesn't want to be in my luggage, which is normal. French system for animators is advantageous and I'd really like to make the most of it as it's gonna disappear soon, so I'll probably move to Paris. Not to mention my boyfriend already has a two-years job, but he could move to the same studio in Paris, probably.
Maybe, in a first time, for some months I would live with Max (my gay friend, if you follow

) who also want to move in Paris. Then we would live separatly with our boyfriends

So we are looking for nice studios! We found some, now we have to contact them but it's a bit done as we meet them at the fest.
I'm both stressed and super excited about everything. I'm always excited by moving, having a new life, and a new flat to decorate...
In two weeks, the rush for our film starts. 4 month to make it. It's gonna be hard but we are motivated. I have no new images to show you, sorry, but soon
Talking about flats, mine has never been so messy (and I know I already said it thousands times). Already messy before leaving for the fest, worst when I came back, I forgot my garbage... u_u
But after a few hours of cleaning it's finally livable. Pictures?
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Judge by yourself :
My livingroom/kitchen :
Plus I added two awesome posters :
A super frenchy lolcat :
And this one from a Pixar lecture at the fest, from their new short film :
My bedroom :
It's almost finished, now I *just* have to fix the bathroom problem :
And now something completly different.
I'm still addicted. The sales are in three days. I already have almost no money left. Anyway I'll deal with it.
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These dresses will probably be mine soon, well, espacially the last two ones, I just like the others :

(but the last one is out of stock grr)
You can buy them at the fantastic online shop
Mod Cloth
On Etsy now :
This one is raaaather expensive so I'm waiting for July........

Also exists in yellow but I prefer the pink one and as is the last one it's a bit cheaper...
I like this style too but it's also expensive and I don't really know if I would wear it :

(the belt is reversible, I think i'd indeed prefer on light pink)
Still on Mod Cloth, they have awesome shoes :
And some other pretty items :
By the way, lookbook of the day :
Let's finish and go to bed with bad baaaaaad pictures of my new cute lingerie (but don't worry I'll make nice photos with it
Have a good night, have a good day, 3D setup lesson will be hard tomorrow and I even don't dare to disturb my oh-so-beautiful bed.
Je suis bien contente que "Brendan" et "Please Say Something" aient gagn un prix Annecy. (je suis mga fan de ce que fait David O'Reilly)
"Lost and found" a l'air super adorable. Ils sont forts chez AkA.
Tu devrais voir pour faire un stage chez eux, ou dans un autre bon studio dans le monde. Mme si tu ne restes pas longtemps l-bas, a te fait des contacts pour plus tard.
Sinon on a trouv ce studio sur Paris, tout l'heure, justement: MrHyde Peut-tre que a peut t'intresser. (Ils ne font pas que de la 3D)
Bon courage pour ton film! Il me tarde de le voir!