Other jumping pics !
I went to the tattoo art fest (you can see pictures on my flickr)
I shot three sets as a photographer : one of Valium, and two for the future hopeful "SophieB", she's... sexual
Very nice and beautiful, she has her place here and you might see it "soon" (= as soon as I photoshop it + later because of this f****** member review queue)
I also shot three sets as a model. Others are planned. I have to shot many sets because next year i want to concentrate on my studies (my last year!) and temporarely leave modeling. You'll see nice backstages pictures when they're posted. The next you'll see is shot by my lovely and talented Dwam, the one after isn't shot yet, we should have done it this week-end but the weather was bad, so we did another for myself you'll see again after by bertoguy, and then a set shot by Turbulence.
P_mod is coming to see us in our rocking Angoulme in two weeks!!! Sets planned too
My training period is doing well, it's not really funny but well, it's "normal", I animate to learn first, my boyfriend is will join us at the studio tomorrow.
(Photo : bertoguy)
See you soon

(Photo : bertoguy)
See you soon

La dernire photo est magnifique, tu pouses les formes de la piscine.. j'adore..
Et cette coquine de Dwam ne peut pas s'empecher (pour notre plus grand bonheur) de nous montrer ses seins !!
Merci pour ton mail, a m'a fait trs plaisir..