This week I go to Annecy, it's a town in the french mountains
But well, it's a quite big town, not a small village with cows and sheeps.
There's an international festival of Animation Cinema, maybe you heard about that, it's quite known. I go with my school. My class will sleep in a camping, whereas my boyfriend and I will go at my boyfriend's ex, in a flat, so no rain for us while we sleep ^^ I made some chocolate cakes, and I gotta do some sandwiches for the travel tomorrow, 10 hours with the bus.
After that I should go to Paris for shootings. As I'm broke as ask a photographer, a girl, to pay my tickets, she's ok, but she planned something else during our supposed shoot and it's fucking hard now to join her and plan something else, which sucks because now I'm engaged in other projects with other people, and my week-end depends of her............................ I hope we can fix something fast, it's boring to wait and try calling.. even if it's for next week...
Well. I'm making an illustration book. So if you are an editor and want drawings for your magazine or ads, think about me
Here are my very last illustrations (not free to use of course!)

By the way, in my last entry I talk about comics blogs. A french illustrator translated hers in English and I really advice you to read it, It's a Mum and her child's funny reactions etc.

So you should immediatly go here :
Oh and I found a training period in an animation studio in my town for this summer, I hope they can employ me some months after, anyway I though they wouldn't take me so I'm surprised and happy, let's say I'm not desperate!

There's an international festival of Animation Cinema, maybe you heard about that, it's quite known. I go with my school. My class will sleep in a camping, whereas my boyfriend and I will go at my boyfriend's ex, in a flat, so no rain for us while we sleep ^^ I made some chocolate cakes, and I gotta do some sandwiches for the travel tomorrow, 10 hours with the bus.
After that I should go to Paris for shootings. As I'm broke as ask a photographer, a girl, to pay my tickets, she's ok, but she planned something else during our supposed shoot and it's fucking hard now to join her and plan something else, which sucks because now I'm engaged in other projects with other people, and my week-end depends of her............................ I hope we can fix something fast, it's boring to wait and try calling.. even if it's for next week...
Well. I'm making an illustration book. So if you are an editor and want drawings for your magazine or ads, think about me

Here are my very last illustrations (not free to use of course!)

By the way, in my last entry I talk about comics blogs. A french illustrator translated hers in English and I really advice you to read it, It's a Mum and her child's funny reactions etc.

So you should immediatly go here :
Oh and I found a training period in an animation studio in my town for this summer, I hope they can employ me some months after, anyway I though they wouldn't take me so I'm surprised and happy, let's say I'm not desperate!
Dsol pour ce week end, la demoiselle n'a qu'un week end par mois, alors on en profite... Par contre merci d'tre pass samedi, c'tait super chouette de votre part !
Je suis en train de finir les exports des photos pastques, je t'envois a dans la matine de demain, et j'enchaine sur les photos de samedi !
Mecredi je sus prise le soir, jeudi je me fait tatouer, vendedi je pars. De toute faon ce sera trop tard.
Le weekend du 28, voil o a nous reporte. On oublie le contest.
J'ai envie de massacrer quelqu'un ou quelque chose, l, maintenant, tout de suite.