Geek out with some old nerds.


Done in SmithMicro Manga Studio 5, 16 x 20 in. 100 dpi, digital charcoal,chalk, colored pencil.


Relationships and society in general are like a ship, and I’m the man beside it in a dinghy drifting not anchored and untethered. I’m more focused on what is going on inside my boat that I don’t notice I’m drifting away. I look up occasionally and see the ship getting smaller and smaller, but I’m not concerned. The ship appears empty. Eventually, it slips over...
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The middle of May marked our 11th anniversary. Instead of gifts of steel, we decided to gift ourselves with separation. Again. We did this in 2013, and having lived as a child of divorced parents, and having divorced my first wife and leaving a daughter with possible "daddy issues", I wasn't too keen on the idea and leaving this time a round with a son...
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