Oh SG. you have changed my perception of the world, or should i say, reinforced what i already new. this world has truely fallen into a baylonian state. i feel the end times are near. people are so lost and unforgiving, even myself, sometimes. i think all of our expectations of one another are so high that we set each other up for failure. humanty does not exist and evil reigns. i don't mean evil like some of your tattoos of horned devils and naked women with red skin and tails. evil, as in all that you see as good and desire to attain. nice clothes, the latest gadgets, the best car, the house in suburbia with your husband, or wife and two and a half kids, your boring, monotonous jobs that pay you just enough, to get credit, to buy all that shit you dont need, to impress people who dont care(victor popaneck, not fucking fight club!) you see the bible,(in which i refe,r but dont subscribe to, as i am muslim and adhear to the Qur'an) says that with-in two thousand years the allmighty will return and set free those who deserve salvation from the clutches of this evil, that everyone sees as rightous. i see it coming. i know that i am someone who tries to be kind and generous truthful and, somewhat pure in intentions, but no one sees it. therefor i have become jaded and, sometimes meen. this is where i am netted by the trap of evil. i need to release the anger, so that those i love, can see my true intentions, and not push me aside. however for now i am stuck in this self perpetuating cycle of aloneness. so i move forward once again. hate in toe. seeking allahs guidence and trying, everyday to better myself. for all of those i have proclaimed to have loved, i do, and forever will. if there is anything in this world i can do for you, never hesitate to ask.
for now, my friends,
As-Salaam-Alaikum(peace be unto you!)
for now, my friends,
As-Salaam-Alaikum(peace be unto you!)