My life is shit right now. I feel really bad saying that since there are thousands of people who lost everything they had, family members, pets, their lives. I feel like the worlds biggest asshole for bitching since I am so lucky to be safe and have my family.
As some of you may know my 1988 Honda Accord burst into flames two weeks ago. Last Friday I made the commitment of buying a pre used car at a car dealership. I bought a 2000 VW Passat. This car is great. Everything I could ever want.
I get it home and notice some things wrong with it. But no biggie it will get fixed. Yesterday while driving the 5 year old boy I nanny for my breaks locked up on my car. I couldn't go anywhere. I was stuck. Thankfully my mom came to the rescue.
I got Charlie back home in time for his sisters bus. (That's a whole another story. She got lost. Had to take another bus and go home to the neighbors while I am freaking out trying to find her.)
Later that night I went to get my car towed to the dealership I bought it at. Turns out the car is fine again. I drive it home. Drive it to work. But when Charlie and I go out to get frosting for his birthday cupcakes, my breaks lock up while I am fucking driving.
Why can't I have a car that gets me from point A to point B. That's all I want. Now I have to get the dealership to fix the ABS or declair this car a lemon and take it back. Fuck I do not want to deal with this.
Okay my rant is over. Sorry to bitch when I have no right to right now. But I had to let it out.
As some of you may know my 1988 Honda Accord burst into flames two weeks ago. Last Friday I made the commitment of buying a pre used car at a car dealership. I bought a 2000 VW Passat. This car is great. Everything I could ever want.
I get it home and notice some things wrong with it. But no biggie it will get fixed. Yesterday while driving the 5 year old boy I nanny for my breaks locked up on my car. I couldn't go anywhere. I was stuck. Thankfully my mom came to the rescue.
I got Charlie back home in time for his sisters bus. (That's a whole another story. She got lost. Had to take another bus and go home to the neighbors while I am freaking out trying to find her.)
Later that night I went to get my car towed to the dealership I bought it at. Turns out the car is fine again. I drive it home. Drive it to work. But when Charlie and I go out to get frosting for his birthday cupcakes, my breaks lock up while I am fucking driving.
Why can't I have a car that gets me from point A to point B. That's all I want. Now I have to get the dealership to fix the ABS or declair this car a lemon and take it back. Fuck I do not want to deal with this.
Okay my rant is over. Sorry to bitch when I have no right to right now. But I had to let it out.

sorry about your car