Vancouver B.C. can kiss my big white American A$$!
I normally love going to Canada. I have met some great people there. I love being able to drink at a bar. Marry a woman, and having health care. But I am a tad bit bitter right now.
Saturday night I drove up to Bellingham to pick up my cousin and two friends. We were going to Vancouver for my little cousins 19th Birthday. Since you can drink at 19 in Canada she wanted to exsercise that right on the night of her birthday.
We have no problem getting through the boarder. They didn't even look at our IDs and passports. We get to the club a little after 11:30. We were on the list but it wasn't there so we had to wait in line. As I am waiting in line I noticed the people in line for the club don't really fit my normal sence. No big deal I just was observing. I get into the club see my little cousin who is drunk off her ass. I walk to the dance floor and see nothing but big black men. I walk towards the bar and get my ass slapped!
Normally I'd slap them back but I couldn't tell who did it and I was out of my element so I kept walking.
I got hit on by so many black men. It was really funny. I am this little white girl with tattoos and piercings with all these thug guys around me. The club was lame and I rather never go back there again. I actually saw pimps and hos there. The real kind, the kind you would see in a documentry on pimps and hos! It was bad. I kept having to remind myself I was there for my cousin not myself.
We leave to club to go get something to eat. My cousin goes to my car. Comes into the Denny's we were at and she tells me my car has been towed! Great there is our ride home. So we call a cab to get my car back. The cab driver was crazy, and took us to the wrong place. We had to get another cab and go to the other location to get my car back. $84.00 bucks later I got my car back.
We headed home. Things were starting to get better. Than we go back to the boarder to get into the States. Of course because we are a car full of young people and it's 4 in the morning they stop us. Make us go get our car searched. Yeah that was fun!
Why are they such assholes coming into Washington. That's not really representing the Americans too well huh.
So I got back to Bellingham at 5:30 and went to bed. That was my shitty night in Vancouver. I think it will be awhile before I go back!
I normally love going to Canada. I have met some great people there. I love being able to drink at a bar. Marry a woman, and having health care. But I am a tad bit bitter right now.
Saturday night I drove up to Bellingham to pick up my cousin and two friends. We were going to Vancouver for my little cousins 19th Birthday. Since you can drink at 19 in Canada she wanted to exsercise that right on the night of her birthday.
We have no problem getting through the boarder. They didn't even look at our IDs and passports. We get to the club a little after 11:30. We were on the list but it wasn't there so we had to wait in line. As I am waiting in line I noticed the people in line for the club don't really fit my normal sence. No big deal I just was observing. I get into the club see my little cousin who is drunk off her ass. I walk to the dance floor and see nothing but big black men. I walk towards the bar and get my ass slapped!

I got hit on by so many black men. It was really funny. I am this little white girl with tattoos and piercings with all these thug guys around me. The club was lame and I rather never go back there again. I actually saw pimps and hos there. The real kind, the kind you would see in a documentry on pimps and hos! It was bad. I kept having to remind myself I was there for my cousin not myself.
We leave to club to go get something to eat. My cousin goes to my car. Comes into the Denny's we were at and she tells me my car has been towed! Great there is our ride home. So we call a cab to get my car back. The cab driver was crazy, and took us to the wrong place. We had to get another cab and go to the other location to get my car back. $84.00 bucks later I got my car back.
We headed home. Things were starting to get better. Than we go back to the boarder to get into the States. Of course because we are a car full of young people and it's 4 in the morning they stop us. Make us go get our car searched. Yeah that was fun!

So I got back to Bellingham at 5:30 and went to bed. That was my shitty night in Vancouver. I think it will be awhile before I go back!

It Made me sad to know that there's guy's out there who just get off on the pain of others but thats life i suppose.... And as for your situation in CanaDUH get use to it babe your a white hot lil # with confidance and the brothers absolutly love that shit... just another part of life... i suppose it could be worse and you coulda had a bunch of violent lil midgits after your ass
let's hook up for a walk around greenlake soon ok
[Edited on Feb 13, 2005 3:04PM]