Slowly trying to get back into the swing of SG. Adding new pictures. A lot has happened in these past few years.
Working like a worker bee to get through school and apply to nursing school. A bit of traveling under my belt, Nashville and New York to name a few stops. Love affairs and heart aches and back to love affairs.
Me and my dear friend Stefano Alcantara.
Working like a worker bee to get through school and apply to nursing school. A bit of traveling under my belt, Nashville and New York to name a few stops. Love affairs and heart aches and back to love affairs.

Me and my dear friend Stefano Alcantara.
Im glad things are going well, I hope the rest of school goes well and I hope you get into a good nursing program. I have not been to Nashville in years, I hope you enjoyed your time there, I think it is pretty cool. You look beautiful.