What's your biggest fear?
" When it was discovered that Chris's chest wound went all the way through, and out his back. A 2x4 from the F250 truck came off at time of impact and went through the windshield of Chris'truck,and struck Chris on the left chest area. We began to load Chris into the EMS vehicle and I heard a spine-tingling gasp come from Chris. I knew then he was gone..but didn't want to believe it."
That's mine. When I am driving and see lose pieces of things in cars or trucks if I can I switch lanes. I get these images of steel pipes flying through my window and going straight through my head and chest. It totally freaks me out.
I also don't like to go to 711 type stores or outdoor ATMs at night. That totally weirds me out too.
* I did not know Chris. I was just using what I read as an example.
" When it was discovered that Chris's chest wound went all the way through, and out his back. A 2x4 from the F250 truck came off at time of impact and went through the windshield of Chris'truck,and struck Chris on the left chest area. We began to load Chris into the EMS vehicle and I heard a spine-tingling gasp come from Chris. I knew then he was gone..but didn't want to believe it."

That's mine. When I am driving and see lose pieces of things in cars or trucks if I can I switch lanes. I get these images of steel pipes flying through my window and going straight through my head and chest. It totally freaks me out.
I also don't like to go to 711 type stores or outdoor ATMs at night. That totally weirds me out too.
* I did not know Chris. I was just using what I read as an example.
Happy sexy day.
The beau and Stewfnrocker found at my regular thrift (they did before I found it) a leprechan that was on all fours with a smile on his stupid face and like assholes, they went crazy. We were calling it the "Brokeback Leprachan" and "Submissive Leprechan" and we couldn't stop laughing. It was gone though when we went back for it and Baby said it was prolly like they had to remove it after the scene we all made. You should've seen these 2 assholes, they were like Jefferson and Al Bundy together.