Grrr I have tried so hard....I cant nail a good crumb coat! how very martha Stewart of us huh? LOL
btw....everytime I click on your profile I cant help thinking how gorgeous you are! Your just so damned pretty! When I grow up I wanna be YOU! hehehehe
if i can read an entire novel in one night chances are pretty high I will go buy the rest of the series. this is the 3rd series of book i have read that deals with vampires. Lol
I know what you mean, i brought some chocolates and things for kids knocking on the door... except I realized that it was already about 10pm... LOL. And they wouldn't be knocking on the door that late.
I am so freaking frustrated. HOW is it that not one FRIGGIN store in my city carries a simple headband with BLACK KITTY EARS??
I wanted stripey-knee socks and kitty ears so I could dress up at work for the next week - and i dragged my poor Charlie to a million stores the past couple days and we couldn't find any.... Read More
I know how you feel honey. I had so much trouble finding a witches hat. I know Halloween aint huge over here, but how hard can it be to stock a plain black witches hat.
What about a website, panplets, magnets...
I think the best thing to do would be to have a community cork board in your shop, it doesn't have to be big.... but then print out some panplets and go around to local businesses and ask if you can put them on their counter.
Think, party supplies, takeaway stores, kindergardens, preschool places, primary schools, arts and crafts.... etc.
And in return you'll promote their business by taking one of their business cards and putting it on your cork board.
If you need a hand designing a website or panplets (i've got a feeling I'm spelling that incorrectly) lol, just ask...
but when it comes to your business most people are happy to support you if you ask, esp. if they are getting to promote their business in return.
Also... some primary schools produce a weekly newsletter, and you can promote your business in there for about $10... and they are your direct potentical clients.
I've spent most of last week dragging my fiance with me to my bakery and teaching him how to ice cakes, the differences between buttercream and non-dairy whipped topping, and how to pipe lovely borders, roses, and balloons.
He had his first day as a cake decorator at another one of our bakeries, hired by my desperate boss. (His pay is well below mine, but... Read More