Well i'm a little sad right now! My latest set was rejected
I'm not devestated but i think it's pretty good. Please go check it out and leave comments and let me know if you think it's worth the Second Chance Sunday. Please leave real comments NOT I loved it because they don't count!! Thanks
Let me know what you think i could improve too 
On a better note... ZOMBIE PROM!!!!!!!! What a blast
I had so much fun and there were so many cool people with incredible costumes and makeup
I finally got to meet the lovely (even as a zombie)oubliette ! stuntcockwas there running around taking tons of pics as usual!! My friend Jonathon came with me and I did our makeup
(Love the blood!) I saw squeak but didn't get the chance to talk to her
I'm sure there were others but with all the makeup and outfits i'm sure i didn't recognize anyone
But next year you should all go!!!!!


On a better note... ZOMBIE PROM!!!!!!!! What a blast

on a happier note -yes! come see me in the desert! i'll hopefully know by tomorrow whether or not i have a place lined up for november first.
i'll keep ypu posted...