Last night, What a BLAST!!! The SGPHILLY group got together and went to Lesbian Karaoke!! also known as going to a lesbian bar for karaoke
So Suri, Doctor Fiancee,Geekgurl,Salura,Drago, [MEMBER-DamionW],Zerobreak,his most awesome friend Beth, and my friend Jonathon and i all met up to meet Charlielove who came to visit Philly. We first went for pizza where the very kindShaggyVixe hooked us up with Pizza and drinks
Thanks again buddy
Then we headed over to the bar for some drinks and fun!! Sadly Suri and DamionW did not get in because of id technicalities
I'm sooo sorry Suri the manager i know was not there or i probably could have gotten you guys in
after about an hour and a few drinks later Karaoke started and Chalie love, Salura, Geekgurl, and myself all sang
My friend Jonathon took a video of me which i am having trouble uploading but will eventually
After that we all headed upstairs for dancing and dance we did!!!!
Beth's (i must say HOT) roomate joined us though sadly i was never introduced so i did not get her name
A great time was had by all and allthough i had to decline to hit the "after" party, Next time i swear i WILL come
a wonderful night was had by all

Video is UP
though it was filmed sideways LOL

Video is UP

around 8 i guess
I stole that joke from some movie that I watched the other day. I'm not really sure what it was. I was thinking about going out to quizzo tonight, but my friends went to happy hour about five blocks from my house. So I had to go to that.