Well my photo shoot for tomorrow has been cancelled due to my photographer getting the flu and it supposed to be crappy weather
But that is okay cause it means i can practice my poses and facial expressions more!! which i know i need to!!! But i do have an oscar's party to go to and that should be fun!! come on Pan's labrynth
and i want Marie Antoinette to win for best make up
anyway i will leave you with a pic i took at work with my camera phone! I am no Maxi when it comes to taking photos but i quess it is not too bad
have a great weekend everyone!!

no i'm not a part of peek a boo.... but i am hopefully trying to work on that. I'm helping out as a volunteer on saturday and will hopefully get my foot in the door for future shows. They are in a tough spot right now with a full cast and no set rehearsal and performance space
I'm sure you heard about the 5 spot burning down and taking much of thier stuff with it...... sad , but I do hope to work with the girls in the future....they're great! We do need more volunteers badly for saturday so if you are interested call me and let me know!
