Love you all, & I'll miss you.
Sorry for neglecting SG for so long, being in the process of moving means I've been bumming off of other peoples' computers, so I don't get much time online anymore.
2. Who's your favorite SG and why? I've gotta tip my hat to the Hopefuls member Poopy. Honestly, if shes not a Suicide Girl I don't know what it. Its almost a crime that she hasn't been given pink yet. Apart from her looks shes the most hilarious and awesome French person I ever hope to know and meet. I always refer to her as frenchie heh. I can't sing her praises high enough.
3. Do you prefer bare feet or socks? Bare feet hell yes. Socks are too confining.
4. What crazy dreams have you had lately? None lately I'm afraid.
5. Where do you want to be in 5 years? Traveling overseas for METAL ODYSSEY 2013, loving being a metallurgist, raking in a shit-ton of money, buying a house. If not buying a house, traveling the globe
Have fun at the festi.
i think youre really pretty