I'm drunk and happy and horny. Because I'm drunk. Haha.
And smoking hookah, yumyum.
You should all answer some questions for me. Because I say so.
1. What obscure movie/music would you recommend to me?
2. Who's your favorite SG and why?
3. Do you prefer bare feet or socks?
4. What crazy dreams have you had lately?
5. Where do you want to be in 5 years?
The end.
Oh and I go brunette on Wednesday. Ahh! Ha ha.
I love you bastards.
Now someone come sex me up. Hah.
1) it's not obscure but it was on limited release... I recommend Four Rooms I love that movie... one of my faves of all time
2) It's really a toss between Dorsal & Kemper cuz they are cool to talk to... we can shoot the shit ha ha...
3) just sitting around at home i prefer bare feet... socks in bed
4) just those dreams that have the ex in it and shes treating me just as bad in the dream as she did in real life
5) on my way to making films
you could be sexed up but you'd rather live in Minnesota
1. What obscure movie/music would you recommend to me? #1. Movie: Gotta recommend an Australian art-house because I KNOW they don't see cinemas overseas haha, so see a movie called 2:37. I'm not promising a pleasant experience, but every single person that went to highschool in Australia can relate to this movie. Its an eye-opener.
As for music, I could probably list band names off til my head spin but wheres the point in that? I will name one band.
2. Who's your favorite SG and why? I've gotta tip my hat to the Hopefuls member Poopy. Honestly, if shes not a Suicide Girl I don't know what it. Its almost a crime that she hasn't been given pink yet. Apart from her looks shes the most hilarious and awesome French person I ever hope to know and meet. I always refer to her as frenchie heh. I can't sing her praises high enough.
3. Do you prefer bare feet or socks? Bare feet hell yes. Socks are too confining.
4. What crazy dreams have you had lately? None lately I'm afraid.
5. Where do you want to be in 5 years? Traveling overseas for METAL ODYSSEY 2013, loving being a metallurgist, raking in a shit-ton of money, buying a house. If not buying a house, traveling the globe